Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trending Industries that are still Hiring during COVID-19

Trending Industries that are still Hiring during COVID-19 Trending Industries that are still Hiring during COVID-197 min read Read ­ing Time: 5 min ­utesThe COVID-19 pan ­dem ­ic has influ ­enced mil ­lions of lives across the globe. As the virus con ­tin ­ues to spread, peo ­ple find them ­selves strug ­gling with both per ­son ­al and pro ­fes ­sion ­al chal ­lenges in these unprece ­dent ­ed times. With many com ­pa ­nies being forced to either shut their doors for good or let go of their work ­force to cope up with the fluc ­tu ­at ­ing econ ­o ­my â€" thou ­sands of peo ­ple are either tem ­porar ­i ­ly or per ­ma ­nent ­ly out of work. Oth ­ers have to deal with a sig ­nif ­i ­cant por ­tion of their salaries being cut off. How ­ev ­er, there are two sides to every coin. As some of the indus ­tries are left crip ­pled by the impact of this pan ­dem ­ic, oth ­ers are look ­ing to expand their work ­force. This growth is the result of an increase in the demand for some par ­tic ­u ­lar prod ­ucts and ser ­vices. As a result, com ­pa ­nies in such sec ­tors have begun hir ­ing dur ­ing this cri ­sis which is a per ­fect oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty for any ­one who has been laid off. So if your employ ­ment has been affect ­ed by COVID-19, or if you are look ­ing to help those orga ­ni ­za ­tions that need to fill roles dur ­ing this chal ­leng ­ing time, here is a list of indus ­tries and sec ­tors that are active ­ly hir ­ing dur ­ing COVID-19: Essential Retail In most states, non-essen ­tial busi ­ness ­es and stores have been forced to close. How ­ev ­er, essen ­tial retail ­ers are an excep ­tion to this con ­di ­tion. These stores are open to ensure peo ­ple have access to all their neces ­si ­ties dur ­ing this emer ­gency. These essen ­tials include gro ­ceries, clean ­ing sup ­plies, pet food, med ­ica ­tion, etc. Peo ­ple are stock ­ing up for weeks’ worth of items to reduce their need of going out of their hous ­es. As a result, retail ­ers in cat ­e ­gories such as gro ­cery and phar ­ma ­cy have expe ­ri ­enced a high vol ­ume of sales. In order to keep up with this demand, essen ­tial retail ­ers have start ­ed hir ­ing more cashiers, store clerks, shelf stock ­ers, clean ­ers, etc. These work ­ers are at the front line of this pan ­dem ­ic, help ­ing peo ­ple every sin ­gle day. Banking and Finance COVID-19 has hit economies across the world â€" thou ­sands of busi ­ness ­es clos ­ing, unem ­ploy ­ment rates ris ­ing, etc. As a result, peo ­ple are rush ­ing to seek finan ­cial advice from experts. They are ask ­ing for help in terms of secur ­ing their finan ­cial future, pro ­tect ­ing their sav ­ings, as well as access ­ing finan ­cial sup ­port. As a result, there has been a sig ­nif ­i ­cant rise in the demand for employ ­ees in the bank ­ing and finance sec ­tor. From work ­ing with a bank to obtain finan ­cial sup ­port, to engag ­ing with an invest ­ment spe ­cial ­ist to acknowl ­edge how their cred ­it will get affect ­ed by lost income â€" peo ­ple are doing every ­thing they can to secure their future. So for peo ­ple look ­ing to work in banks and oth ­er finan ­cial insti ­tu ­tions â€" this is a per ­fect oppor ­tu ­ni ­ty. The demand for finan ­cial advi ­sors and cus ­tomer ser ­vice pro ­fes ­sion ­als with expe ­ri ­ence in the bank ­ing sec ­tor is espe ­cial ­ly high. Telecommunications Since almost all the com ­pa ­nies have allowed their employ ­ees to work from home, the telecom ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion com ­pa ­nies are under immense pres ­sure to pro ­vide high-speed inter ­net at res ­i ­den ­tial places. Peo ­ple who man ­aged to sur ­vive on mobile data con ­nec ­tions are switch ­ing to get WiFi for work ­ing more effi ­cient ­ly at home. The chal ­lenge for most com ­pa ­nies is to pro ­vide fast, sta ­ble, and secure inter ­net ser ­vice to mil ­lions of employ ­ees who are spread out over small ­er home net ­works. Net ­works are fac ­ing high vol ­ume because ever since the lock ­down, video calls are the main source of con ­tact for most peo ­ple. Peo ­ple are also indulging in con ­sum ­ing more online con ­tent such as via social media, music, videos, etc. As a result, peo ­ple work ­ing in cus ­tomer and IT sup ­port, instal ­la ­tion, main ­te ­nance repair, etc are high in demand. Healthcare This goes with ­out say ­ing but amidst a glob ­al pan ­dem ­ic, health ­care pro ­fes ­sion ­als are an absolute neces ­si ­ty. Nurs ­es, doc ­tors, and oth ­er hos ­pi ­tal staff have been over ­whelmed with the rise in patients that are rush ­ing in. The health ­care facil ­i ­ties are over ­thrown on a good day as it is. But COVID-19 patients requir ­ing inten ­sive and long-term care, are push ­ing hos ­pi ­tals and oth ­er health ­care facil ­i ­ties to their lim ­its. They require spe ­cial access to equip ­ment such as ven ­ti ­la ­tors, for extend ­ed peri ­ods of time. As a result, most health ­care facil ­i ­ties are suf ­fer ­ing from a short ­age of staff and assis ­tance. Nurs ­es in par ­tic ­u ­lar, who are respon ­si ­ble for every ­day patient care, are high in demand. More ­over, res ­pi ­ra ­to ­ry spe ­cial ­ists, physi ­cians, as well as para ­medics are also need ­ed des ­per ­ate ­ly. With a rise in the influx of patients, there is also a need for admin ­is ­tra ­tive work ­ers in clin ­ics and hos ­pi ­tals. Tasks such as enrolling patients, updat ­ing records, and coor ­di ­nat ­ing with insur ­ance com ­pa ­nies, etc need to be tak ­en care of. Manufacturing We have all read enough arti ­cles about emp ­ty store shelves and peo ­ple fight ­ing over toi ­let paper. With peo ­ple stock ­pil ­ing essen ­tial goods dur ­ing lock ­downs, stores are run ­ning out of sup ­plies much faster than usu ­al. As a result, man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ers are hav ­ing a hard time keep ­ing up with the high demand of peo ­ple. This is espe ­cial ­ly applic ­a ­ble to con ­sumer goods and health sup ­plies such as san ­i ­tiz ­ers, hand wash, soaps, etc. Man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ers in these sec ­tors are ramp ­ing up their pro ­duc ­tion to keep up with the ever-increas ­ing demand from con ­sumers. The short ­age has been so severe that some man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ers from oth ­er sec ­tors are revamp ­ing their tools to pro ­duce in-demand prod ­ucts. For instance, brew ­eries or cos ­met ­ic com ­pa ­nies are man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ing hand san ­i ­tiz ­ers. This rise in demand for con ­sumer goods and med ­ical sup ­plies has led to an increase in man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ing jobs. Such as â€" line work ­ers, super ­vi ­sors, ware ­house work ­ers, man ­u ­fac ­tur ­ing engi ­neers, qual ­i ­ty con ­trol spe ­cial ­ists, etc. Technology and IT With most of the pop ­u ­la ­tion stay ­ing indoors, peo ­ple are con ­sum ­ing online con ­tent in high vol ­umes, both for work and per ­son ­al uses. With in-per ­son con ­tact becom ­ing non-exis ­tent, peo ­ple are turn ­ing to online medi ­ums of con ­nect ­ing with loved ones or buy ­ing sup ­plies. As a result, social media, mobile apps, video con ­fer ­enc ­ing, web ­sites, etc are endur ­ing remark ­ably high vol ­umes of traf ­fic. In order to func ­tion smooth ­ly, online plat ­forms require the exper ­tise of devel ­op ­ers, to keep up with the user vol ­ume surge. Busi ­ness ­es across the world are find ­ing ways to make their devel ­op ­ment teams more effi ­cient. They want to increase the capac ­i ­ty of their online order ­ing sys ­tems as well as trou ­bleshoot any oth ­er issues that might be aris ­ing due to the cri ­sis. Hav ­ing a func ­tion ­al dig ­i ­tal space is crit ­i ­cal, espe ­cial ­ly for those busi ­ness ­es that are unable to open their reg ­u ­lar mar ­kets. Oth ­er IT pro ­fes ­sion ­als are also in demand because most com ­pa ­nies are work ­ing from home. As a result, the need for net ­work ­ing and data secu ­ri ­ty experts is dire. These pro ­fes ­sion ­als have to work around the clock to ensure every ­one can access the tools they need and work from home effi ­cient ­ly. News and Publishing The news and updates about COVID-19 have been dom ­i ­nat ­ing the head ­lines for news ­pa ­pers across con ­ti ­nents. There seems to be an end ­less wave of infor ­ma ­tion and events that the pub ­lic needs to be updat ­ed about. Whether it is infor ­ma ­tion on the best prac ­tices for social dis ­tanc ­ing, new cas ­es of COVID-19 across the world, new gov ­ern ­ment pro ­grams to sup ­port unem ­ployed work ­ers, or updates on the world econ ­o ­my â€" news agen ­cies and pub ­li ­ca ­tions have a com ­mit ­ment to dis ­trib ­ute infor ­ma ­tion to the pub ­lic. Both tra ­di ­tion ­al, as well as dig ­i ­tal news, is mak ­ing sure to update the pub ­lic on how to keep safe dur ­ing this pan ­dem ­ic. While dig ­i ­tal news is con ­sumed more by the younger gen ­er ­a ­tions, tra ­di ­tion ­al meth ­ods such as news ­pa ­pers and TVs are always a source of con ­sump ­tion in most house ­holds. This con ­stant need for updat ­ing the pub ­lic has result ­ed in news agen ­cies and pub ­lish ­ing hous ­es to hire more man ­pow ­er. As a result, there are more oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties for reporters, edi ­tors, fact-check ­ers, video pro ­duc ­tion staff, web, and IT spe ­cial ­ists, etc dur ­ing this cri ­sis. Final Words Keep in mind, if you have lost your job dur ­ing this pan ­dem ­ic, you are not alone. The sil ­ver lin ­ing is that there is still hope for you. Check if you can find work in any of the above sec ­tors â€" you nev ­er know you might find some ­thing with ­in your area. So before you decide to cut into your sav ­ings account, ask local busi ­ness ­es if they need any assis ­tance dur ­ing these unprece ­dent ­ed times. If we work togeth ­er, we can make these chal ­leng ­ing times slight ­ly eas ­i ­er for each of us. industries hiring during covid

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